I received word today that the Baptist Convention in Cuba is in the middle of an assembly, debating the expulsion of a number of Pastors and Churches because they believe the Biblical doctrines of Grace and Election. Cuba has gone through a form of awakening in its churches, and the Doctrines of Grace have been advancing in the churches, but opposition to them has been fierce and the situation seems to have hit a boiling point. Please pray that the truth will come out triumphant in the middle of this overwhelming attack from within. Please send this email to anyone you know that can help with prayers or by writing or calling the Baptist Convention in Havana.
Below is the letter I received explaining the alarming situation of our Cuban Christian brothers.

Dear brother and Pastor Humberto, I hope that our Lord and God is keeping you in His blessings, and that the peace of Christ is in you.
As you can see, at the end of the email there’s a photo of myself and another Christian brother with Juan Sanchez, Pastor and President of the Texas Baptist Convention, a Calvinist and Reformed Pastor, who was also one of the preachers during the “Faithful Preaching” conference held in Havana this past February. This conference left Havana under a great tension that came from brothers who were reluctant and opposed to our historical faith; this is why, at this very moment, when we are celebrating our annual Baptist Convention of Cuba, great conflicts have resulted where our pastors, out of necessity, are involved and in a public manner. Judging from something that happened yesterday, it seems that tomorrow will be decisive as to the final fate of the pastors that hold to the Doctrines of Grace. The following are the messages that my pastor sent me from Havana:
March 6 (Yesterday):
“Brothers, forgive us for not answering your phone calls. There has been much tension here. Know only that today I presented a defense before the assembly. Things have not turned out as we hoped but God is in control.”
March 7(Today):
“Please write to all the contacts in USA and let them know that the [Southern] Baptist Convention of Western Cuba is debating the expulsion of pastors and churches for the simple reason of having been found to believe the Doctrines of Grace. If others learn of what is going on here, it would help. Keep praying. Tomorrow we present our defense again. Tomorrow will be key. Pray that the truth of God will be defended.”
Join our prayers, dear brother, and share with those brothers and sisters that feel pain, as we do, for what is happening. Not one of the leaders that presides over the Convention, with the exception of the President, came to said meeting [in February] even when great servants of God preached the Word, and now this present segregational and intolerant reaction is a reflection of that, starting with the President of the Baptist Seminary of Havana, and ending with the Vice President of the Convention Adrian Ramos, both of whom are key figures of the animosity towards Calvinism.
This is the state of affairs of the Kingdom where we are, suffering violence from pastors and leaders who should be using their wisdom and gifts for the Kingdom’s growth in holiness, faithfulness, unity and in number.


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